To prevent abuse (and not to limit use), we impose monthly limits on API requests for our Extension Manager API license key, which we can increase for you as needed.
Your API-request limit is shared between all connected sites; its counter resets the first night of every month, Amsterdam time.
API request usage
Here’s a brief overview of how API requests are consumed:
- Focus extension: 3 API requests in total per keyword, about 9 per post. Here’s the breakdown:
- One when a keyword is entered in a supported language to lookup lexical forms.
- Two more when a lexical form is selected to perform a deeper lookup (synonyms and inflections).
- Monitor extension: About 2 API requests per site, more if the user is eager to check again.
- One when the site registers (this includes a ‘free’ crawl request).
- One when another crawl is requested.
- And one when the latest parsed data is fetched.
- Local extension: About 1 API request per site, more if the site represents a large store.
- One when a user enters a (partial) business address during setup, we offer to lookup the exact geolocation.
- Extension Manager plugin: 1 API request during setup. Then 0 API requests per site per month when everything’s OK. The following requests can still occur even after the limit has been reached.
- One every 2 to 5 minutes (license check interval) during admin access with an invalid connection but a valid API key.
- An invalid connection means that the domain or instance key doesn’t match our server’s. This is automatically rectified, when possible, but it will cost an API request.
- One when a site connects its key to our API services.
- One when a site disconnects its key from our API services.
- One every 2 to 5 minutes (license check interval) during admin access with an invalid connection but a valid API key.
All API requests are anonymized on our server before we forward them to our partners from which we get the latest data. You can learn more about how our plugins treat your data in our detailed privacy policy.