To prevent abuse (and not to limit use), we impose monthly limits on API requests for our Extension Manager API license key, which we can increase for you as needed. Your API-request limit is shared between all connected sites; its counter resets the first night of every month, Amsterdam time. API request usage Here’s a […]
Common plugin update issues
Although we take the utmost care of every single byte published with every update, we are still human, and you may run into issues. If you experience technical difficulties for any reason whatsoever, don’t panic! We are readily available via various support channels to help you out. My admin area is all messed up! There […]
Headless mode
Headless mode allows you to use software without an interface. In
Data stored in your database
With The SEO Framework, we’ll never delete data from your database when you uninstall any of our plugins. Because if you ever need to reinstall the plugin(s), you can continue where you left off. However, if you must inspect, change, or even delete options from The SEO Framework product family, below, we list where to […]
Structured data supported by The SEO Framework
Structured data helps search engines and other systems understand and interpret your site better. The SEO Framework embraces structured data via with the JSON-LD scripting markup standard. These scripts are invisible to your visitors, and they are compatible with every theme and plugin because structured data collision resolves itself via a “first displayed” policy. […]
Are there unlimited-site licenses for Extension Manager?
No, there aren’t. Due to the nature of our software implementation, we can’t hand out unlimited or lifetime licenses because the value of inexhaustible licensing would quickly rack up our costs with third-party services, like the dictionary API. To depict this, each dictionary API request to our servers costs us about $0.004. So, say that […]
How to install Extension Manager
The SEO Framework and Extension Manager are essential plugins for WordPress, offering a wide range of powerful automation features and valuable SEO tools. Extension Manager is responsible for managing all Free and Premium extensions we bring to The SEO Framework. They seamlessly work together to improve search engine optimization of your WordPress website. Best of […]